Surviving Cancer Articles

Below you will find articles that discuss many ways to improve your health, combat chemicals that can have lasting effects, and how to overcome a cancer diagnosis. We aim to provide as much holistic and alternative medicine information as necessary so that you can make informed decisions when fighting cancer. In addition, we have interviews with cancer survivors and cancer experts. 

Surviving Kidney Cancer

Surviving Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer can be a devastating diagnosis. We interviewed Rob Prior who chose an alternative treatment approach, and just 13 months later, had reversed his disease.

Keto and Paleo Diets: Are They Right for You?

Keto and Paleo Diets: Are They Right for You?

Both Keto and Paleo diets have become enormously popular during the past few years – just glance at the covers of many magazines at the checkout counter of your local grocery store. While these two diets share similarities, there are key differences to keep in mind.

Fighting Cancer with Apricot Seeds

Fighting Cancer with Apricot Seeds

It’s hard to imagine the controversy that a simple, natural seed has long stirred up for years in the medical community. But the heated debate about the effectiveness of apricot kernel therapy (a/k/a laetrile) in treating cancer rages on.

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