“I have had the distinct privilege of knowing James for many years. His fight was unprecedented so many years ago, yet he rolled up his sleeves and went to work. Armed with “change” and “courage,” James set out to defeat his cancer. This site represents his incredible victory“

DOUG KAUFMANN Host, Know The Cause National TV Show
I am Living Proof – Surviving Cancer Against All Odds
I had life by the tail… or so I thought

I crawled out of the hospital at 2 AM and never looked back
After a painful and extensive surgery to remove lymph nodes from my groin, the plan was 80 rounds of chemotherapy, plus the possibility of more surgeries and radiation therapy. It was all experimental. Chemotherapy treatments were 8-10 hours long, with 5 days in the hospital afterward. They did hyperthermia, getting my body temperature dangerously high, then they injected typhoid serum, and followed that up with the chemo immediately afterward. I was scheduled for a series of 5 treatments like this every 2 months. It took me almost 2 months to get over each series because of how sick and weak it made me feel. All this misery and a whole lot of expense for only a 20% chance of surviving. After enduring 2 series of these chemo treatments, I asked the oncologist what my chances were. He admitted the treatments weren’t working and said, “Well, we’re all going to die someday.” I was not about to give in without a fight. I knew in my heart there had to be a better way, and at 2 o’clock in the morning, I literally crawled out of that hospital and found it.
Along the way, I discovered it was just as much about what you ate, as well as what you avoided. It was and still is, important to keep cancer-fighting superfoods in my diet.

Getting back my fighting spirit

What I learned transformed my life
I founded Uni Key Health Systems in 1992 and now the Templeton Wellness Foundation as my way of giving back and helping others achieve the health and wellness they are seeking. Now, I’m passing on the secrets to beating the odds against a formidable foe that I didn’t see coming – cancer. Roll up your sleeves. Let’s go to work. I’ll show you how to get started.
Read James’ Full Story
“James Templeton, whom I know personally, is a determined and courageous man who overcame Stage 4 Melanoma Cancer more than 30 years ago using predominantly natural means. His story and other cancer survivor stories on his website will give hope to those with cancer who have been told by conventional doctors that there is no hope. I urge the readers of his website who have cancer to follow the examples of these cancer survivors and to become not only a survivor, but a thriver like James.“

WILLIAM LEE COWDEN, MD, MD(H) Chairman of the Scientific Board
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