We talk a lot about the importance of a healthy diet and… make no mistake, what you put on the end of your fork is crucial to whether or not you’re feeding your cancer or eating your way out of it.
But in addition to paying close attention to your diet, it’s important to remember that there are other ways to mitigate your exposure to cancer-causing agents. One of them is to make your house as cancer-free as possible. And it’s easier than you might think.
Your Home Is Your Castle
Let’s face it. The majority of our life is often spent inside our home. It is there where we carry on the business of living – raising our families, entertaining guests, eating, sleeping, and in these modern times, even working from home.
We take for granted that our home is our refuge, a safe place to call our own. But what we may not realize is that our purported place of safety may not be as healthy as we would like to think. In fact, our home may be working against us by jeopardizing our health in ways we don’t even suspect.
That’s why this checklist is so important.
When you have cancer, the scales are already tipped – but not in your favor. Your body is fighting an uphill battle. That’s why it is important to reduce each and every risk that you have control over, especially those recurring risks that only add to the burden of an already severely challenged immune system.
We offer this handy checklist to help you chip away at the cancer risks in your home by first identifying the cancer risks and then applying solutions.
Give yourself a pat on the back if you’ve already addressed one or more of the challenges listed below. And if you haven’t yet, we urge you to take the simple steps needed to cross these cancer challengers off your list.
Start by taking a long hard look at your everyday surroundings. Ask yourself if they’re helping you or harming you? Here’s how to get started
Quality of Air
The quality of the air we breathe should be an obvious source of both health and disease, according to its pollutants or lack thereof. Because our modern homes are built to be airtight, focusing on recycled air, we do not necessarily get a clean air exchange. Opening up our doors and windows can help, but there is much more we can do to improve the air quality of our home.
Solutions include installing and routinely changing adequate air filters, maintaining air conditioners and heating units, regular cleaning of overhead ductwork, and even adding certain houseplants to our home that have been proven (by NASA scientists) to purify the air. Adding 15-20 of these recommended plants to your home can completely remove formaldehyde from an 1800 sq. ft. house!
Don’t risk your health with every breath you take. Our #1 recommendation for improving air purification in your home or office is CWR (Clean Water Revival, Inc). With their understanding of the research that links air pollution nanoparticles to cancer and a commitment to producing effective air purifiers that reduce the “bioburden” in a room, the best investment you may ever make is an investment in your health or that of your family – and the correct air filtration system in your home is paramount. Call them today and tell them I sent you.
Quality of Water
Clean, unpolluted water is another no-brainer as a necessary requirement for good health. This life-giving water was once considered our birthright. Yet, in far too many locations all across the U.S. and for too many people, clean drinking water is not always available.
The lack of clean, healthy water in U.S. cities is not limited to municipalities such as those that make the national news like Flint, Michigan, but also affects rural landowners whose wells are polluted from upwater streams. Recently, those affected by Round-Up and other herbicide-affected water, are commanding attention. Learn more about the danger of drinking substandard tap or well water in this article: If You Have Cancer, Clean Up Your Drinking Water Now.
Be sure you have access to clean, pure water in your home. Our recommendation for the best in water purification devices for your home or office is CWR. Dr. Roy M. Speiser is a certified master water-quality specialist and has been Director of Research for CWR Environmental Products, for years. While in New York, he investigated the causal relationship between groundwater pollution and cancer and understands the absolute necessity of clean, pure drinking water. Call CWR today and tell them I sent you.
Home Furnishings
New carpeting, paneling, and flooring may be pleasant additions to your home interior, but the gasses they emit when newly installed can be hazardous. Even those new mattresses, curtains and Venetian blinds may be adding to your cancer risk by adding to the level of toxins your body is dealing with.
You can lessen the effects of outgassing of these products by opening doors and windows for adequate ventilation. If possible, consider staying away from your home for 2-3 days after installation of new carpeting, paneling, or furnishings containing formaldehyde and other dangerous chemicals.
Better yet, look for natural, non-toxic solutions. You’ll find our recommendations for non-toxic carpeting, mattresses, and more in the Resource Section of our directory.
For cancer patients, mold can be an especially dangerous problem. Mold is a living organism and the toxins that it produces have long been known to cause disease. They are so deadly that they are often used in biological warfare.
According to the World Health Organization, about a third of residential and commercial buildings are affected with mold. “Sick building,” a well-known term applied to these compromised structures, is largely a result of mold infestation.
If you suspect mold in your home, take steps immediately to address its cause by first repairing all water leaks. A word of advice: rather than attempt to deal with mold cleanup yourself, we recommend bringing in professionals for the clean-up. When you have cancer, the last thing you need is to breathe the mold spores that are stirred up when cleaning mold AND the chemicals that are used to remediate it.
Adding a dehumidifier in those areas of your house that are prone to mold can be helpful in keeping mold at bay. Also, consider using an ozone air purifier. This highly successful air cleaner can help make your home a much safer environment – it not only kills mold, but it kills bacteria, viruses, and dust mites.
Find our recommended resources for mold remediation at in our Resource Section under “Home Remediation.”
Radon is the #2 cause of lung cancer, affecting non-smokers and adding to the already troublesome burden of smokers. And surprise: you may not even realize your home is a source of radon poisoning. Many home inspections, for example, when radon is discovered at Level 4, allow you to pass the inspection. But that radon level is equivalent to upwards of 200 chest x-rays a year!
Don’t take unnecessary chances. Have your home tested for radon and take steps to reduce your exposure to this deadly gas. Affordable radon test kits are available at most hardware stores and online. Seal the cracks where radon gas enters your home or basement. Install a radon pump that draws radon from beneath your home and transmits it safely outside.
Check out the National Safety Radon Board (NSRB), in our Resource Section, in the category Home Remediation.
Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF)
Perhaps the most egregious effect of modern dangerous pollution is the invisible threat of EMF. The cancer connection is all too clear. EMF radiation emitted by cell phones damage our DNA. Damaged DNA leads to mutations, which can cause cancer, even in our offspring. In addition, studies show that EMFs can cause leaks in the blood-brain barrier that allow toxic chemicals to pass through. Read more about these hazards in Zapped: Why Your Cell Phone Shouldn’t Be Your Alarm Clock and 1,268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution.
Living with cell phones and wi-fi is nearly unavoidable in society today. Even if you don’t own a cell phone, there may be cell phone towers located near you that are interfering with your health. You’ll find a variety of solutions for dealing with EMF pollution in the Electropollution category of our Resource Section.
No matter where you live or what kind of house or apartment you live in, make every effort to make your surroundings a truly safe and healthy place to call home. It’s an important step in your journey back to health.
Related Articles:
How to Clean House and Clear Out Cancer Risks: https://templetonwellness.com/articles/are-you-at-risk-for-cancer-2/
How Plants Clean the Air: https://templetonwellness.com/tag/how-plants-clean-the-air/
Infrared Sauna Detox Solution: https://templetonwellness.com/articles/deep-heating-your-way-out-of-cancer-the-promise-of-far-infrared-saunas/
Learn about the benefits of ozone therapies discussed in my interview with Dr. Frank Shallenberger, world-renown ozone expert: https://templetonwellness.com/articles/ozone-therapy-your-secret-weapon-for-treating-cancer/
The Silent Menace of Mold and Its Related Cancer Risks: https://templetonwellness.com/articles/the-silent-menace-of-mold-and-its-related-cancer-risk/
Radon: The #2 Cause of Lung Cancer: https://templetonwellness.com/articles/radon-the-2-cause-of-lung-cancer/
Protecting Yourself from Cell Phone Radiation: https://templetonwellness.com/articles/cell-phone-radiation-and-emfs/
Radiation: The Invisible Health Threat: https://templetonwellness.com/articles/radiation-the-invisible-health-threat/