Surprising Cause of Breast Cancer Discovered

Surprising Cause of Breast Cancer Discovered

The news of a connection between hair dyes and breast cancer may be surprising to some, but not to those of use who understand the link between CHEMICALS and CANCER in general. The study, published December 4, 2019, in the International Journal of Cancer, is of...
Right to Try Law: What Does It Mean for You?

Right to Try Law: What Does It Mean for You?

The Right to Try Act was signed into law on May 30, 2018. It allows eligible patients to have access to eligible investigational drugs. When fighting cancer, it is important to know all your options and what is medically allowed for your treatment. We provide a couple...
Fighting Cancer with Apricot Seeds

Fighting Cancer with Apricot Seeds

It’s hard to imagine the controversy that a simple, natural seed has long stirred up for years in the medical community. But the heated debate about the effectiveness of apricot kernel therapy (a/k/a laetrile) in treating cancer rages on.

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