The Right to Try Act was signed into law on May 30, 2018. It allows eligible patients to have access to eligible investigational drugs. When fighting cancer, it is important to know all your options and what is medically allowed for your treatment. We provide a couple of articles as resources to you, so that you can stay informed. We want you to know what options are available for you to assist you in fighting cancer and taking back your life. Along with additional information regarding what is allowed for you to try and not try under the eyes of the law, we have included links to our resources that cover 10 cancer-fighting habits that assisted James with overcoming his battle with cancer, in addition to a link to 6 cancer-fighting superfoods we found to assist in the fight with cancer as well. It is important to remember to do your own research and find out what works best for you. This is a fight that you need to do everything possible to overcome and continuing living. If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please reach out and chat with us. We would love to discuss this with you.
Along with our cancer-fighting resources, we also have a library of interviews with cancer survivors, as well as cancer experts from all different specialties. We strive to include as much diversity in the survivor and expert stories so that you have plenty of perspective and resources to know not only what everyone tries or recommends, but you can decide what resources you want to learn more about. During your fight with cancer, you must consider everything available from medical to holistic treatments as many people have found success with one or another.
Read Full Story on the Right to Try Act: Full Story
Many people are asking if the veterinary drug, Fendbendazole, is eligible: Full Story