Fighting Cancer News

Dogs Can Smell Cancer In Blood With Nearly 97% Accuracy

Dogs Can Smell Cancer In Blood With Nearly 97% Accuracy

Another reason dogs are man’s best friend! Trained lab dogs are making cancer detection a low-cost, non-invasive, and faster method of detecting cancer in humans. And new tests are being conducted to see if dogs can smell cancer in the breath condensate of cancer patients.

Smart Meters and Radiation Risks

Smart Meters and Radiation Risks

Upon their inception, smart meters were touted as an energy-saving device, eliminating the need for utility crew or individual inspection on a monthly basis. But as the ever-amounting evidence is indicating, these time-savers are putting us at even more health risks than previously thought. And are they really saving us money on our utility bills?

LED Streetlights Causing Increase in Cancer Risk

LED Streetlights Causing Increase in Cancer Risk

Scientists are sounding the warning that officials should limit the number of LED streetlights. They have discovered a “strong link” between the LED technology and cancer that may in fact DOUBLE the risk of prostate cancer and increase the risk of breast cancer by 1.5 times. 

Flesh-eating bacteria is not just in the water — should you be worried?

Flesh-eating bacteria is not just in the water — should you be worried?

Flesh-eating bacteria is not just in the water. It can also colonize in the sand.Given the growing concern and news reports of dangerous flesh-eating bacteria, the health department launched a new campaign to inform beach-goers on how to remain safe. The campaign — Swim it, Shore it, Dodge it — offers guidance on safety concerns.

Giveaway in National Examiner

Giveaway in National Examiner

The July 8, 2019 edition of National Enquirer hit the news stands today. Honored that that my book, “I Used to Have Cancer” was chosen as one of the featured books in the “Your Health Section”.

Sleep Apnea and Cancer: Is There a Link, and in What Cases?

Sleep Apnea and Cancer: Is There a Link, and in What Cases?

What comes to mind when you picture a “typical” sleep apnea patient? Chances are, you imagine someone middle-aged, overweight, sedentary . . . and male. Well… here’s an interesting article that is food for thought. Sleep apnea (and snoring) are commonly thought of as a men’s health problem, but it may just be that women are more at risk.

The Trouble With Ingredients in Sunscreens

The Trouble With Ingredients in Sunscreens

Is sunscreen the new margarine? Chemical sunscreens are dangerous and not the best way to practice “safe sun”. If you wouldn’t eat it, don’t slather it on your skin! The chemicals contained in sunscreen can be dangerous and they can enter the bloodstream quickly. 

Bowel Cancer Rates Rising Among Young Adults

Bowel Cancer Rates Rising Among Young Adults

Screening for bowel cancer used to start at about age 50. It seems that now we’ll have to revise those screening guidelines. A preventive approach to cancer is warranted, in my opinion, starting with diet and nutrition. Today’s SAD (Standard American Diet) just isn’t cutting it. And apparently, the problem isn’t only in the U.S.

Slow Down and Achieve More

Slow Down and Achieve More

Mindfulness coach Michael Townsend Williams offers five simple ways to step back from our busy lives and find some much-needed calm Rest...

Walnuts Suppress Cancer

Walnuts Suppress Cancer

Article by Garry Messick | May 3, 2019 | The Institute for Natural Healing Regular Health Watch readers know that tree nuts are a true superfood....

Could Cancer Really be a Collagen Disease?

Could Cancer Really be a Collagen Disease?

Believe it or not, ninety percent of all cancer fatalities result from metastasis. As you may know, metastasis is what happens when cancer spreads to a different part of the body from where it started.Yet, conventional cancer treatments do nothing to stop cancer from spreading and preventing the invasion of cancer cells into other organs and tissues.

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