Surviving Cancer Articles
Below you will find articles that discuss many ways to improve your health, combat chemicals that can have lasting effects, and how to overcome a cancer diagnosis. We aim to provide as much holistic and alternative medicine information as necessary so that you can make informed decisions when fighting cancer. In addition, we have interviews with cancer survivors and cancer experts.
Freezing Out Cancer: The Promise of Cryoablation in Targeting Tumors
Cryoablation is widely used for treating various types of cancer, including breast, prostate, liver, kidney, and lung cancer. It works by freezing the cancer cells, which are destroyed when ice crystals form inside them. This process also triggers an immune response that helps the body fight off remaining cancer cells.
Can You Sweat Your Way to Better Health During Cancer Treatment? Yes, and Here’s How
Imagine being in the fight of your life, feeling the weight of a cancer diagnosis. I know that feeling all too well. When I was faced with the conventional options of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery after my Stage 4 Melanoma diagnosis, it didn’t take long before I realized that wasn’t the path I wanted to take.
Exercise-Induced Autophagy: Unlocking the Body’s Natural Cancer Defense
While fasting and caloric restriction have long been known to promote autophagy, moderate exercise is emerging as one of the most accessible and effective ways to stimulate this process.
Thomas Seyfried: The Diet That Starves Cancer
Dr. Thomas N. Seyfried, PhD, Professor of Biology at Boston College, has been singing the praises of an ancestral diet for treating the modern disease of cancer for years… and with good reason. Discover how it can benefit YOU!
Happy Dance: How Dancing Influences Cancer
Can you really dance your way to cancer prevention? One expert says YES, “Just 2½ hours a week of dancing could prevent more than 850,000 cases of disease and injury.”
Fill Your Plate with These Powerful Cancer-Fighting Foods
What you put on the end of your fork is crucial to whether or not you’re feeding your cancer or eating your way out of it. Are you including these cancer-fighting foods in your daily diet?
How James Allgood Survived Stage 3 Colon Cancer the Natural Way
He woke up one morning to find not one, but two priests in his hospital room. He was afraid he wouldn’t make it. Find out how James Allgood survived colon cancer using diet and natural cancer remedies.
Why You Should Address Your Oral Health First When Battling Cancer
Your dental health impacts every aspect of your health – including a shockingly significant role in the development of cancer.
No, You Don’t Have to Lose Your Hair After Chemotherapy
Ask anyone who has endured chemotherapy and radiation treatments, and they’re likely to tell you that hair loss adds insult to injury to their already devastating condition. So when we learned about a process that can drastically reduce the side effects of hair loss in those undergoing these cancer treatments, we took notice.
How to Help Your Body Detox from Chemical Exposures
If you or someone you love has been exposed to a dangerous chemical spill, it is imperant that you take immediate steps to protect yourself from further exposure and to mitigate the effects of these toxins as much as possible. Here are some simple tips to consider.
Natural Remedies for An Enlarged Prostate
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer and fifth leading cause of death in men. Learn about some natural solutions for dealing with this condition.
Health Alert: One of THESE Restaurant Meals Equivalent of Chain-Smoking 20 Cigarettes
Diners today who enjoy non-smoking restaurant areas may unknowingly be harming themselves even more by partaking of certain foods – especially those foods that are cooked in vegetable oils.
This One Simple Blood Draw Does More Than Screen for Multiple Cancers
When this cancer expert was asked, “What is the first step for new patients?” His response was, “Get a Nagalase Blood Test.” Here’s why.
This Soothing Drink Reduces Insulin Resistance, Lowers Blood Pressure & Fights Cancer
Just one cup of green tea a day can not only help you fight cancer, but can benefit you in a number of ways.
Being Sedentary Increases Your Risk of Certain Cancers
If you’re making a New Year’s resolution, this may be the best one. Studies show that if you sit too much, you’re at 82% higher risk of dying from cancer compared to those who are least sedentary.
Meditation’s Surprising Effect on Cancer
All emotions affect us physiologically. Dealing with fear, anxiety, and depression is vital for cancer patients. Here’s a proven technique.
Frankincense & Myrrh: The Original Christmas Gifts with Unparalleled Healing Benefits
Two of the gifts said to have been presented to the Christ-child were frankincense and myrhh. What can we learn about these substances — and what do they have to do with cancer?
Short-Term Fasting Can Reduce Unpleasant Side Effects of Chemotherapy
In addition to reduced chemotherapy side effects, a landmark study involving 131 patients with stage 1 and stage 2 breast cancer showed that fasting had a pronounced effect on tumor response of the patients. In fact, it was 3X times more effective!
Candida: Cancer’s Canary In The Coal Mine
Candida was recognized centuries ago as an indicator of much larger underlying diseases such as diabetes mellitus, malignant tumors, and chronic infections. Here’s what you need to know about the risk of a high-carb diet, high-sugar diet.
Exactly What’s In Those Dust Bunnies?
If your mother-in-law ever gave your house the “white glove” inspection, maybe she was simply looking out for your health. We can’t say for sure what her motives were, of course, but it turns out that the dust in your home is chock-full of dangerous, toxic chemicals.
How Exercise Improves Post-Surgical Results for Lymph Removal
If you’ve had surgery — particularly if you’ve had any lymph nodes removed – exercise is your ticket back to health. And once you understand how your lymphatic system works, you’ll see why it’s necessary to stimulate it any way you can.
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