Surviving Cancer Articles

Below you will find articles that discuss many ways to improve your health, combat chemicals that can have lasting effects, and how to overcome a cancer diagnosis. We aim to provide as much holistic and alternative medicine information as necessary so that you can make informed decisions when fighting cancer. In addition, we have interviews with cancer survivors and cancer experts. 

Freezing Out Cancer: The Promise of Cryoablation in Targeting Tumors

Freezing Out Cancer: The Promise of Cryoablation in Targeting Tumors

Cryoablation is widely used for treating various types of cancer, including breast, prostate, liver, kidney, and lung cancer. It works by freezing the cancer cells, which are destroyed when ice crystals form inside them. This process also triggers an immune response that helps the body fight off remaining cancer cells.

Thomas Seyfried: The Diet That Starves Cancer

Thomas Seyfried: The Diet That Starves Cancer

Dr. Thomas N. Seyfried, PhD, Professor of Biology at Boston College, has been singing the praises of an ancestral diet for treating the modern disease of cancer for years… and with good reason. Discover how it can benefit YOU!

No, You Don’t Have to Lose Your Hair After Chemotherapy

No, You Don’t Have to Lose Your Hair After Chemotherapy

Ask anyone who has endured chemotherapy and radiation treatments, and they’re likely to tell you that hair loss adds insult to injury to their already devastating condition. So when we learned about a process that can drastically reduce the side effects of hair loss in those undergoing these cancer treatments, we took notice.

How to Help Your Body Detox from Chemical Exposures

How to Help Your Body Detox from Chemical Exposures

If you or someone you love has been exposed to a dangerous chemical spill, it is imperant that you take immediate steps to protect yourself from further exposure and to mitigate the effects of these toxins as much as possible. Here are some simple tips to consider.

Candida: Cancer’s Canary In The Coal Mine

Candida: Cancer’s Canary In The Coal Mine

Candida was recognized centuries ago as an indicator of much larger underlying diseases such as diabetes mellitus, malignant tumors, and chronic infections. Here’s what you need to know about the risk of a high-carb diet, high-sugar diet.

Exactly What’s In Those Dust Bunnies?

Exactly What’s In Those Dust Bunnies?

If your mother-in-law ever gave your house the “white glove” inspection, maybe she was simply looking out for your health. We can’t say for sure what her motives were, of course, but it turns out that the dust in your home is chock-full of dangerous, toxic chemicals.

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