Hair Analysis: Your Body’s Toxic Time Capsule

Hair Analysis: Your Body’s Toxic Time Capsule

Your hair holds valuable information about the toxins your body has encountered and their effects on your well-being, So, during your next haircut, consider the hidden insights within your locks and how they can help address potential toxic exposures in your body.

Toxic Heavy Metal Exposure

Toxic Heavy Metal Exposure

Toxic Heavy Metal Exposure As our environment becomes more polluted, we are exposed to more toxins that our bodies need to process and eliminate. Babies now are born with over 200 cancer-causing chemicals in their bloodstream, there’s rocket fuel in breastmilk, lead...
Getting to the Root of Dental Health

Getting to the Root of Dental Health

Getting to the Root of Dental Health When I turned to natural methods to heal my cancer 30 years ago, I researched everything that could be wearing my immune system down. I wanted to get to the root causes of how I got cancer in the first place. It didn’t take long to...

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