The Sodium Bicarbonate Solution for Cancer

The Sodium Bicarbonate Solution for Cancer

If you have cancer (or know someone fighting it), you owe it to yourself to spend a few life-altering minutes to research what cancer patients all around the world are discovering about the benefits of sodium bicarbonate. What do you have to lose? Patients who can’t...
Detecting Cancer in a Vocal Print

Detecting Cancer in a Vocal Print

Disturbances in one’s vocal print (the graphic representation of an electronic recording of a person’s voice) not only make it possible to detect cancer and other abnormalities, but to also target the proper frequencies needed to bring the body back into homeostasis.

Exactly What’s In Those Dust Bunnies?

Exactly What’s In Those Dust Bunnies?

If your mother-in-law ever gave your house the “white glove” inspection, maybe she was simply looking out for your health. We can’t say for sure what her motives were, of course, but it turns out that the dust in your home is chock-full of dangerous, toxic chemicals.

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