Checklist for Making Your House Cancer-Free

Checklist for Making Your House Cancer-Free

We talk a lot about the importance of a healthy diet and… make no mistake, what you put on the end of your fork is crucial to whether or not you’re feeding your cancer or eating your way out of it. But in addition to paying close attention to your diet, it’s important...
Why A Biological Dentist Should Be On Your Team of Cancer Experts

Why A Biological Dentist Should Be On Your Team of Cancer Experts

Many of us, when faced with a cancer diagnosis, put dental care at the bottom of our priority list. But that’s opposite of what you should do. There are a number of physicians around the world who won’t take you as a cancer patient if you have existing oral disease because they feel it is such an uphill battle. That’s because poor oral health is often a hidden contributing factor of disease and an unnecessary burden on the body’s immune system.

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