7.5 Million Californians Potentially Exposed to Toxic Chemicals
In a stunning news report out of Sacramento, California, chemicals used for carpets and anti-stain products have been found in water sources for 7.5 million people that State.
In a stunning news report out of Sacramento, California, chemicals used for carpets and anti-stain products have been found in water sources for 7.5 million people that State.
Never before has it been more important to filter your water. The Environmental Working Group, a non-profit environmental advocacy group, warns the vast majority, or 87%, of the more than 100,000 estimated cancer cases linked to drinking tap water are due to byproducts of chemicals used to disinfect water and naturally occurring arsenic.
In a press statement released by the FDA on September 13, 2019, “some ranitidine medicines, including some products commonly known as the brand-name drug Zantac, contain….
The fungus among us is no joking matter. I know because I was affected when a home I was renting was literally making me sick to the point I was having chest pains. It turned out that my symptoms were caused by exposure to mold in the house we were renting at that time.
This new study reveals that among men and women ages 35 to 70 living in affluent countries, the #1 cause of death which used to be heart disease… is now cancer. The sad fact is that both are largely preventable.Â
Another reason dogs are man’s best friend! Trained lab dogs are making cancer detection a low-cost, non-invasive, and faster method of detecting cancer in humans. And new tests are being conducted to see if dogs can smell cancer in the breath condensate of cancer patients.