Fermented Foods: Tasty, Cancer-Fighting Medicine

Fermented Foods: Tasty, Cancer-Fighting Medicine

If you grew up eating yogurt, sauerkraut, miso, kimchi, or similar fermented foods, you’ve done your body a seriously good favor without even realizing it. And if you weren’t so fortunate to have these foods as part of your standard diet, it’s not too late to start!...
Groundbreaking: Early Breast Cancer Detection

Groundbreaking: Early Breast Cancer Detection

NEW: Early Breast Cancer Detection Researchers can now accurately detect breast cancer using only a drop of your blood – and this new test challenges everything we thought we knew about breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in women worldwide, and...
10 Habits That Are Making You Sick

10 Habits That Are Making You Sick

10 Habits That Are Making You Sick Break these habits before they cost you your health. Taking Your Cell Phone to Bed If you are so attached to your cell phone that you are sleeping with it on your nightstand or under your pillow, you are exposing yourself to...

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