While organic food can be more expensive depending on your location, think of it as a good investment in your health. But if it’s simply not in the budget, here are a couple of suggestions:

  • Consider shopping at a local farmers market for the freshest produce and get to know the growers.
  • A great way to control the quality of your product is to grow it yourself. Even container gardens grown on an apartment balcony can be quite prolific!
  • A great way to remove pesticides from your store-bought produce is to use the Parcells’ Food Bath (registered with the Smithsonian Institute).

It is also good to think about buying organic food in bulk while meal prepping. When we break down each meal and plan for it, many find that shopping organic can be just as affordable as what they were previously buying. Something we don’t consider is nonperishable food items tend to stay “good” for longer periods of time. However, if you plan your meals out; organic food options are just as affordable and more healthy!

Female holding money while overlooking vegetables and fruits.

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