Tapping Into Your Higher Power

Tapping Into Your Higher Power

Tapping Into Your Higher Power Stage IV cancer will take you places you never thought you’d go. I was losing the battle with cancer – I could feel it. I overheard the nurses talking about the day before, when they let my temperature get so high during the treatment...
Unleash the Power of the Mind

Unleash the Power of the Mind

Unleash The Power Of The Mind As a fifth generation Texan, I come from a long line of cowboys who know how to fight. My ancestors fought hard in the Battle of San Jacinto, and won. So when that doctor thought I was going to turn tail and run from a battle with Stage...
Get Your Lymph Moving

Get Your Lymph Moving

Get Your Lymph Moving For me, exercise is just as important as diet and supplements when it comes to maintaining my health. When I had my second cancer surgery they removed a large portion of the lymph glands in my lower body. This handicapped me in a way, because if...
Fighting Candida Yeast

Fighting Candida Yeast

Fighting Candida Yeast The last statistic I saw said the average American is eating more than 150 pounds of sugar per year, and it’s causing a lot of health problems. In my mind, candida yeast overgrowth is one of the most common and most serious underlying health...

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