Edited family picture looking out over a large body of water.

Flesh-eating bacteria is not just in the water. It can also colonize in the sand.

Given the growing concern and news reports of dangerous flesh-eating bacteria, the health department launched a new campaign to inform beach-goers on how to remain safe. The campaign — Swim it, Shore it, Dodge it — offers guidance on safety concerns.

Important to know: be cautious with the term “open wound.” A Florida woman who died had a small cut less than an inch long. Communications Director for the Florida Department of Health said he knows of another case where the man had cut himself shaving that morning. The bacteria is harmless until it has an opening into the body’s system and that could be as small as a minor scrape or a puncture wound left by a blood donation.

We know that a healthy body is a fortified body against intruders. Be pro-active in your health care, eat a healthy diet, and take simple, common-sense precautions.

READ ARTICLE HERE: https://www.bradenton.com/news/local/health-care/article232185837.html

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