Cancer Expert Interviews

Listen to the top experts in the integrative and functional medicine arena as they bring the latest leading-edge health and healing information to the holistic treatment and prevention of cancer. To listen to cancer survivors, click here.

Expert Interview, Beverley Blass

Expert Interview, Beverley Blass

Join James and Colon Hydrotherapy expert Beverley Blass as they discuss a whole health healing approach to illnesses including cancer – with colon hydrotherapy providing support in an extraordinary way.

Expert Interview, Doug Kaufmann

Expert Interview, Doug Kaufmann

James welcomes good friend and expert Doug Kaufmann to discuss the fascinating topic of ‘Does Fungus Cause Cancer, Or Is Cancer A Fungus?’ Doug provides practical steps for treating disease and prevention.

Expert Interview, Steven Acuff

Expert Interview, Steven Acuff

James welcomes long time Longevity Expert and friend, Steven Acuff, as they discuss the macrobiotic way of eating for a longer, healthier life and how macrobiotics can literally be a life saver when facing a cancer diagnosis.

Expert Interview, Dr. David Brownstein

Expert Interview, Dr. David Brownstein

James welcomes Dr. David Brownstein, a world-renowned expert in thyroid and iodine. Dr. Brownstein believes that iodine improves immunity, supports the adrenal glands, protects the breast, reduces fibromyalgia, normalizes hormone disorders, and aids digestion.

Expert Interview, Dr. Brenda Stockdale

Expert Interview, Dr. Brenda Stockdale

Join James and Brenda as they engage in a fascinating interview focusing in on Brenda’s flagship program that is featured in her book, “You Can Beat the Odds: Surprising Factors Behind Chronic Illness & Cancer.”

Expert Interview, Dr. Frank Shallenberger

Expert Interview, Dr. Frank Shallenberger

Join James and Dr. Shallenberger as they discuss the safe and time-tested history of ozone therapy, its amazing benefits, and the prevention and treatment of aging and age-related diseases by improving cellular energy production.

Cancer Expert Interviews

Listen to individuals that have gone through the journey of surviving cancer – for many a terminal diagnosis. Our interviews are meant to be inspiring and bring hope and knowledge on how you can overcome cancer too. To listen to cancer survivors, click here.

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