A compassionate cancer warrior, Michael Karlfeldt, ND, Ph.D, is a Board Certified Naturopath with expertise in a wide variety of Naturopathic modalities and healing practices. His fascination with Naturopathy began at an early age, and he currently runs a busy Integrative medicine center, The Karlfeldt Center, in Boise, Idaho. Join James and Dr. Karlfeldt as they dive into a foundational discussion on how integrative cancer care differs from traditional cancer therapies. Dr. Karlfeldt also discusses with James new, upcoming and highly successful integrative strategies that he implements at his Naturopathic Health Center. These proven natural treatments include a wide spectrum of therapies that have powerful track records of safety and efficacy such as: Ozone Sauna Therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Ionic Detox Foot Bath, Laser Energetic Detoxification (LED), Mistletoe, Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), Poly-MVA, IV Nutrition Therapy and more. This is a fascinating, informative, and inspiring interview that you won’t want to miss!
To Learn more about Dr. Michael Karlfeldt and The Karlfeldt Center check out: https://www.thekarlfeldtcenter.com/
If you know someone that would be interested in telling their cancer surviving story, or an expert you trust to learn more from, please contact us and let us know! We’d love to hear from you.