Survivor Story

Cancer Survivor, Jenny Bradley

Join James and Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (breast cancer) survivor Jenny Bradley for an enlightening conversation as Jenny shares about her journey to beat cancer utilizing a variety of healing modalities and protocols.
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About this Episode:

In December of 2017, Jenny Bradley was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (breast cancer) and ever since has been diligent in the pursuit of holistic and integrative cancer therapies including diet, lifestyle, and alternative & complementary treatments. Jenny became a patient of the Riordan Clinic shortly after her diagnosis. Join James and this extraordinary young lady for an enlightening conversation as Jenny shares about her journey to beat cancer utilizing a variety of healing modalities and protocols. Jenny is living proof that you can live and thrive with cancer while you are on your way to wholeness with a plan that you believe in.

For more information on Jenny Bradley, check out Shrink the Mutant:

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If you know someone that would be interested in telling their cancer surviving story, or an expert you trust to learn more from, please contact us and let us know! We’d love to hear from you.

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