Cancer Expert

Expert Interview, Kary Gould

Kary and his wife have been mailing Graviola leaves to cancer patients all around the world and have received reams of testimonials from people who claim Graviola Tea Leaves helped them defeat cancer and live a better life.
Kary Gould
About this Episode:

The Amazing Cancer Healing Power of Graviola Tea

After only 4 months of drinking Graviola tea, Kary Gould’s father’s bladder cancer disappeared and his operation to have his bladder removed was cancelled! Since that time, Kary and his wife founded They have been mailing Graviola leaves to cancer patients all around the world and have received reams of testimonials from people who claim Graviola Tea Leaves helped them defeat cancer and live a better life.

Learn more about the work of Kary Gould at

If you know someone that would be interested in telling their cancer surviving story, or an expert you trust to learn more from, please contact us and let us know! We’d love to hear from you.

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