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If you know someone that would be interested in telling their cancer surviving story, or an expert you trust to learn more from, please email us and let us know! We’d love to hear from you.

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The Templeton Wellness Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your tax-deductible donation helps our consumer education and research efforts that promote an integrative approach to healing for cancer patients, caregivers and those interested in prevention.

Yes, you can make a donation in memory or in honor of a person. Please include the name of the person who is being remembered or honored in the letter accompanying your check or money order, as well as the name(s) and address(es) of the individual(s) who you would like us to notify about the donation. Templeton Wellness will not include the amount of your donation in the letter of notification.

Yes.  If you prefer to donate via check, please send to:

Templeton Wellness Foundation
PO Box 2287
Hayden Lake, ID 83835

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