Treating ongoing dental issues is not merely a cosmetic issue, but just maybe the difference between life and death. We’re not exaggerating. Anyone who is fighting cancer or heart disease, for example, might want to count the number of fillings in their mouth… and ask yourself how long have they been there? What are they made of?
And how about those root canals? Are you sure they’re safe? How many cavitations do you have… and where are they located?
What else do you need to know about how your dental health directly impacts your overall health? The answers might surprise you.
- Mercury is one of the most toxic poisons known to science, and there are no known safe limits of mercury exposure. And yet, amalgam fillings which contain as much as 50% mercury, have been commonplace for decades. These toxic amalgam fillings place a huge load on your immune system. As I wrote in my book, I Used to Have Cancer, I have personally seen my blood chemistry results before and after my amalgams were removed, and it was an eye-opening experience.
- Energy meridians connect your teeth to various body organs, directly impacting your health. Research has shown that root canals and cavitations are related to a variety of chronic health conditions, including cancer. For example, breast cancer patients tested by Dr. John Diamond, MD, indicated that ALL had root canals on a particular tooth associated with the breast area acupuncture meridian.
- Root canals are breeding grounds for dangerous bacteria. An astonishing 28 different bacteria associated with root canals are linked to not only breast cancer, but heart disease, debilitating neurological issues, and liver and kidney function. According to Dr. Edward Arana, DDS: “Research has demonstrated that 100% of all root canals result in residual infection due to the imperfect seal that allows bacteria to penetrate. The toxins given off by these bacteria are more toxic than mercury. These toxins can cause systemic diseases of the heart, kidney, uterus, and nervous and endocrine systems.”
- Gum disease and the cancer connection. We’ve known for a long time that periodontal (gum) disease has a direct correlation to heart disease. But did you know that you are 52% more likely to develop stomach cancer if you suffer from gum disease and 43% more likely to develop esophageal cancer?
- Certain toothpaste is linked to cancer. Triclosan, an antimicrobial commonly used in many kinds of toothpaste, body washes, and other products has been shown to increase gut inflammation and to be a factor in the development of colon cancer. Triclosan was detected in 75 percent of urine samples of men and women tested across the country and is considered to be among the top ten pollutants found in U.S. waterways.
The Bottom Line
If you’re suffering from cancer, heart disease, or any other debilitating chronic disease, consider making an appointment with a holistic dentist, one who is natural-oriented and preferably one who is trained under the Dr. Hal Huggins method of dentistry. Such a dentist will not only consider your overall health condition but in most cases will use only biocompatible and non-toxic materials when treating any dental issues.
I’m sure glad I did! You’ll find a list of qualified biological dentists in the Templeton Wellness Resources.
Learn More
Discover how root canals and the acupuncture meridians associated with certain teeth impact your health in this riveting podcast interview with Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., Dr. Stuart Nunnally, and his partner Dr. Lane Freeman: How Your Root Canals Could Be Making You Sick.
Bose-O’Reilly, MD, MPH, K. McCarty, ScD, MPH, N. Steckling, BS, B. Lettmeier, PhD, “Mercury Exposure and Children’s Health,” Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care (Sept 2010); 40(8): 186–215. doi: 10.1016/j.cppeds.2010.07.002.
Gulland, “Oral Cancer Rates Rise by Two-Thirds,” BMJ (Nov 25, 2016).
“Gum disease linked to an increased risk for cancer,” Harvard Health (Oct 1, 2020);
“The Cancer/Cavitation Connection,” North Carolina Institute of Technology,
Michael Underbrink, MD, MBA, Anna Pou, MD, “Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors,” Grand Rounds Presentation, UTMB, Dept. of Otolaryngology,
John Diamond, W. Lee Cowden, Burton Goldberg, Alternative Definitive Guide to Cancer (Future Medicine Group, U.S., 1997).
Robert Kulacz, DDS, Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D., The Roots of Disease: Connecting Dentistry and Medicine (2002); ISBN: 9781401048945.
Haixia Yang, “A common ingredient in toothpaste may lead to higher rates of cancer and inflammation, according to a new study,” The Conversation (Jun 1, 2018);